Week of November 1st

Good morning Mrs. Garcia's Families!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, here is a glance at our week!
In LA we will be officially starting our first research project of the year! Last Friday, your student pick an animal they were interested in learning more about and today using books and ipads they will be looking up things about their animals!
                        Spelling Week 7 
1. fierce
2. flew
3. flies
4. fly
5. lawyer
6. know
7. knowledge
8. hurried
9. hurry
10. guide
11. hurrying
12. giant
13. forgot
14. gigantic
15. forgotten
In Small Groups, we are continuing to work on staying on task while working independently. I will also be pulling student to work on math for the math retake that will be happening this week.
In Social Studies, we are studying the Economy. We will be starting our own businesses on Tuesday! Ask your student what kind of business they would like to open?!
In Math, we are continuing on in Unit 2, looking at quadrilaterals and triangles. We will have a test on Wednesday next week.  
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Communication is key for us to make sure our students are having a successful year!
Mrs. Garcia