Week of 9/5

Hello Garcia Families! 


Welcome to Fourth Grade!!! I am so excited to embark on this adventure with you and your students! I cannot wait to see all the growth your students make this year 😊


We are starting the curriculum right away this year and imbedding some fun activities in between.


Language Arts:

We started our Launch unit with Benchmark, our reading curriculum, working on what it looks like to be a community of readers along with fun word study time!



In math, we are reviewing material from third grade to refresh our memories and get our brains ready for new 4th grade math information!



For science, we our new science curriculum!


Social studies:

In social studies, Chapter 1 lesson 1.


Small Groups:

Small groups this week we are learning how to work alone on a task. Whether we are reading, writing or solving math problems.


I or my long term sub (I will be going on maternity leave here soon) will be reaching out to each one of you in the coming weeks! I can't wait to hear what your students think of fourth grade!


Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,

Mrs. Garcia