Week of 9/11

Week of 9/11

Hello Garcia Families! 


Welcome to Fourth Grade!!! We made it through the first week! ON TO THE NEXT! This is my last week before I am on maternity leave. Please reach out if  you have any questions before Friday.



Language Arts:

We are continuing our Launch unit with Benchmark, our reading curriculum, working on what it looks like to be a community of readers along with fun word study time!



In math, we are reviewing material from third grade to refresh our memories and get our brains ready for new 4th grade math information!



For science, we are reading about motion and energy in our new science curriculum!


Social studies:

In social studies, we will finish chapter 1 this week. Students will have a test on Monday.


Small Groups:

Small groups this week we are learning how to work alone on a task. Whether we are reading, writing or solving math problems.


Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,

Mrs. Garcia