Week of Nov. 28

Hello Families!

I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. This week we are going to be wrapping up our first trimester. I can’t believe how fast the year is going by! In Language Arts we will be working on a creative story based on the animal research paragraphs we wrote a couple of weeks ago. We will also be working on how to compare and contrast 2 nonfiction articles. In Math we will be reviewing rounding and estimating, adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers with regrouping and strategies to solve multiplication story problems. We will be taking our unit 3 math assessment as well. We will be wrapping up our 3rd chapter in Social Studies too! It will be a busy week but hopefully everyone is up to it!

Just a quick reminder that we will not have school this Friday as it is a grading day. Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Huberty