Look at the week Oct. 30th


Hello first grade families!

Math: This week we will continue unit 3 in math. We will be working on missing addons in fact families.

Homework: We will have math homework activity every night. This is mandatory and will be graded. Please make sure your student is completing their math homework nightly.

LA: This week we will continue unit three in our Benchmark reading curriculum. We will learn about reasonable citizens who made our world a better place. We will work on the main idea of nonfiction text. We will be continue working on end punctuation, when to use capital letters, and creating complete sentences. We will be learning how to read and spell S blend words. On Friday we will have a reading comprehension and spelling assessment.

Homework: Make sure your child is reading and working on sight words for at least twenty minutes each night.

Please have your student read online on their Razkids account.

To use student account login to:


Teacher: jkreminski

Click their name

Student passwords are their student ID/lunch number.

Social Studies: This week we will begin our social studies unit. We will learn about geography of our community.


We go outside for recess twice daily, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.

Students will should come home with a red homework folder daily. This is where their homework and sight words will be kept. Completion of home work is required and graded. Please work on sight words nightly with your student!

Up Coming Events:

Oct. 30 Book Fair-students may bring money to purchase books.

Nov. 2 Picture Retake Day

Nov. 6th Butterbraid Fundraiser begins

Nov. 9 – 10 Parent teacher conferences-Schedule your confreance today

Parent/Teacher conferences Thu. 11/9 (3:45pm - 6:45pm) and Fri. 11/10 (7:15am - 12:45pm). 


Nov.17th Crazy Hair Day


Have a great week.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate.

Jeleah Kreminski

First Grade Educator

 Room 233

[email protected]