Look at the Week March 11th


Hello first grade families! Week one of trimester three.


This week we will continue unit seven. In unit 7 we will be learning about subtraction strategies and attributes of shapes. This week we will have a subtraction quiz.


We will have math homework activity every night.

Language Arts


This week we will finish unit seven, learning about the past, present and future.

Language and Writing Skills: This week we will write stories about things that have happened in the past.


We will be making and reading long vowel i words. This week spelling words are; high, night, bright, buy, guy, cry, lie, tie, idea, & item.

We will take a spelling and reading assessment on Friday.

Homework: Make sure your child is reading and working on sight words for at least twenty minutes each night.

Reading at home:

Please have your student read online on their Razkids account twenty minutes each night!

To use student account login to:


Teacher: jkreminski

Click their name

Student passwords are their student ID/lunch number.


Week of March 11th tri two report cards will be sent home with students.

March 25-29th Spring Break- No School


Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate.

Jeleah Kreminski

First Grade Teacher

 Room 233

[email protected]

(763) 777-8942 # 8812