Athlos Leadership Academy

Mrs. Megan Garcia » About Me

About Me

Hello! My name is Megan Garcia and I am excited to be your child’s 4th Grade teacher. This is my fifth year at Athlos Leadership Academy. I graduated from Augsburg University with a degree in Elementary Education. I have taught in Anoka Hennepin School District as a Reading Specialist, pre-kindergarten summer teacher.  When I am not teaching I enjoy traveling, being outdoors, reading, being with son, Theo and my friends and family.


          Learning is something I have always enjoyed and I always strive for greatness, I hope to be able to share this with your child. I'm excited to help shape your child as so many of my teachers helped my parents shape me into the person I am today. This upcoming school year will be an amazing journey which will include great educational and social experiences.  Our classroom will be a place where students feel welcomed and safe. I am excited to get to know you and each of the 4th graders as we create a community in Room 109 this school year! 


Mrs. Garcia 




Week of 9/11

Week of 9/11

Hello Garcia Families! 


Welcome to Fourth Grade!!! We made it through the first week! ON TO THE NEXT! This is my last week before I am on maternity leave. Please reach out if  you have any questions before Friday.



Language Arts:

We are continuing our Launch unit with Benchmark, our reading curriculum, working on what it looks like to be a community of readers along with fun word study time!



In math, we are reviewing material from third grade to refresh our memories and get our brains ready for new 4th grade math information!



For science, we are reading about motion and energy in our new science curriculum!


Social studies:

In social studies, we will finish chapter 1 this week. Students will have a test on Monday.


Small Groups:

Small groups this week we are learning how to work alone on a task. Whether we are reading, writing or solving math problems.


Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,

Mrs. Garcia


Week of 9/5

Hello Garcia Families! 


Welcome to Fourth Grade!!! I am so excited to embark on this adventure with you and your students! I cannot wait to see all the growth your students make this year 😊


We are starting the curriculum right away this year and imbedding some fun activities in between.


Language Arts:

We started our Launch unit with Benchmark, our reading curriculum, working on what it looks like to be a community of readers along with fun word study time!



In math, we are reviewing material from third grade to refresh our memories and get our brains ready for new 4th grade math information!



For science, we our new science curriculum!


Social studies:

In social studies, Chapter 1 lesson 1.


Small Groups:

Small groups this week we are learning how to work alone on a task. Whether we are reading, writing or solving math problems.


I or my long term sub (I will be going on maternity leave here soon) will be reaching out to each one of you in the coming weeks! I can't wait to hear what your students think of fourth grade!


Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,

Mrs. Garcia


As the year comes to an end, I want to thank all of you for your partnership in making your student's 4th grade school year so successful. This year has gone by so fast due to the cooperation and hard work your students have put in. I will miss every single one of them so much! I hope to see them at ALA Summer School!
I hope everyone has a great summer and stay safe! 
With love,
Mrs. Garcia

Week of May 22nd

School is winding down! We have 12 days left, crazy how time flies when you are having fun learning :)

Upcoming Events:

1. Park Trip on 5/24 at 9:00
2. 50 states and capitals test 
3.May 26th Field day
5. No School May 29th
6. May 30-June 2nd Book Fair
7. May 30th May Madness
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We have been working on our hero paper and poster! We are presenting them on 5/25.
Spelling Week 24
1. involve
2. lilies
3. lily
4. massive
5. mass
6. medal
7. metal
8. medicine
9. ninety
10. realize
11. reign
12. severe
13. slipped
14. slip
15. sneeze
We are continuing our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are done with social studies for the year! We are moving on to state research projects!
We are continuing Unit 8!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

May 8th

Upcoming Events:

1. May 17th Mother/Son Dance
2. May 18th Father/Daughter Dance
3. May 19th- Beach Day/ Free Dress
4. May 22nd- 26 Field days
5. No School May 29th
6. May 30-June 2nd Book Fair
7. May 30th May Madness
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are starting our LAST UNIT! Unit 6 is all about Heros. Your student brought how a hero interview that is due on Monday, May 15th.
Spelling Week 22
1. choir
2. compete
3. deceive
4. determination
5. determined
6. determine
7. discoveries
8. discovery
9. discover
10. electricity
11. electrician
12. electrical
13. electric
14. entered
15. error
We are continuing our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are done with social studies for the year! We are moving on to state research projects!
We are continuing Unit 7!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Class Shout Out Award!

Hello everyone!
Our class has earned a class party for displaying the Athlos Character traits! On May 3rd students can bring any snacks to have while we watch a movie :)
If you have any questions/ concerns please reach out!
Mrs. Garcia

Week of April 24th

Week of April 10th


Upcoming Events:

1. May 17th Mother/Son Dance
2. May 18th Father/Daughter Dance
3. May 19th- Beach Day/ Free Dress
4. May 22nd- 26 Field days
5. No School May 29th
6. May 30-June 2nd Book Fair
7. May 30th May Madness
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are finishing up writing our own myth stories!
Spelling Week 20
1. ought
2. absence
3. absent
4. conference
5. confer
6. Wednesday
7. really
8. real
9. celebration
10. folks
11. folk
12. aches
13. amusement
14. angrily
15. angry
We are starting continuing our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are finishing up our Unit 9- the West! States and Capitals test will be soon!
We are continuing Unit 6!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Week of April 17th

Upcoming Events:

1. Math MCA's are April 17th
2. Free Dress/ Dress Up day April 21st
3. No School April 24th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are creating our own Myth Stories! NO SPELLING THIS WEEK DUE TO MCAs.
We are continuing our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are starting Unit 9- The WEST! Look for the west states and capitals study guide!
We are continuing with Unit 6. Students will have a quiz this week!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Week of April 10th

Upcoming Events:

1. May Madness Basketball Forms due today
2. Math MCA's are April 17th
3. Free Dress/ Dress Up day April 21st
4. No School April 24th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are learning about Myths this week!
Spelling Week 19
1. various
2. vary
3. very
4. decision
5. decide
6. entitle
7. political
8. national
9. nation
10. recent
11. business
12. busy
13. refer
14. minute
15. minute
We are starting continuing our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are finishing up our Unit 8- the Southwest!
We are wrapping up Unit 5 with an assessment and beginning Unit 6
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Week of April 3rd

Upcoming events:

1. NO SCHOOL April 7th
2. May Madness basketball forms due April 10th
3. Raffle donations due April 27th
4. April 21st Free Dress/ Dress Up day
5. April 24th No School
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are reviewing Unit 4 this week. NO SPELLING!
We are starting Science back up with week with our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are jumping into Unit 8- the Southwest!
We are working on reviewing Unit 5.
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Week of March 20th

Upcoming events:

1. Music concert March 21st
2. Spring Break No school week of March 27th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are reviewing response to literature this week.
Spelling Week 18
1. summon
2. official
3. officer
4. office
5. victim
6. estimate
7. accident
8. invitation
9. invite
10. accept
11. impossible
12. concern
13. automobile
14. association
15. associate
We are starting Science back up with week with our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are jumping into Unit 8- the Southwest!
We are working on fractions this week!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

March 13th

Upcoming events:

1. Free dress/ Hat day March 17th
2. Music concert March 21st
3. Spring Break No school week of March 27th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are continuing to learn about text structures this week.
Spelling Week 17
1. throughout
2. traffic
3. United States
4. unite
5. unit
6. valuable
7. value
8. wore
9. worn
10. circular
11. circle
12. argument
13. argue
14. volume
15. organize
We are starting Science back up with week with our Engineering Unit!
Social Studies-
We are jumping into Unit 7- the Midwest. Make sure your students are studying the Midwest states and capitals. TEST THIS WEEK!
We are working on fractions this week!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Garcia

Week of March 6th


I cannot believe it is almost the end of trimester 2! This year is going by so fast. I have loved watching your students grow into incredible people!
Upcoming events:
1. No school March 10th
2. Hat day March 17th/ Free dress
3. 4th grade music program is on March 21st
4. Spring Break- No school March 27th-31st
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are starting Unit 4 all about text structures this week! No spelling.
This week we are using our science time to prepare for our MCAs!
Social Studies-
We are jumping into Unit 7- the Midwest. Make sure your students are studying the Midwest states and capitals. A study guide went home last week!
We are working on fractions this week!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Garcia

February 27th


Upcoming events:
1. No school March 10th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are writing poetry this week and taking an assessment Thursday!
Spelling Week 16
1. secret
2. similar
3. sleigh
4. society
5. social
6. solution
7. source
8. speech
9. steak
10. successful
11. tails
12. tales
13. tear
14. tear
15. telephone
This week we are using our science time to prepare for our MCAs!
Social Studies-
We are jumping into Unit 7- the Midwest. Make sure your students are studying the Midwest states and capitals. Looks for the study guide coming home this week.
We are working on fractions this week!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Garcia

Week of Feb 13th

Upcoming events:
1. Friday is Red, White, Blue day/ Free dress
2. No school Monday, February 20th
A peak into our week:
Language Arts-
We are writing poetry this week and taking an assessment Thursday!
Spelling Week 14
1. elephant
2. everybody
3. frightened
4. frighten
5. grocery
6. group
7. health
8. listened
9. listen
10. nickel
11. niece
12. northern
13. southern
14. western
15. eastern
We are finishing the Electromagnets unit this week. Test will be Friday.
Social Studies-
We are taking a break from social studies to work on our WORLD FAIR projects!
We are working on long division all week. We will be having a quiz on Friday!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Garcia