Athlos Leadership Academy

Gasparini - Room 205



Last newsletter from me for a while! My last day will be WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8th. I will help transition the students to their new classrooms that afternoon, in hopes that they'll get some time in with their new teacher before a full day with them on Thursday. 
I will miss you all on my leave, but you are in good hands with the rest of the kindergarten team!


Please keep an eye out for an email with the classroom teacher information that your student will be moving into come my maternity leave. My anticipated leave date is THIS FRIDAY NOV 3rd (But will be around the following week if baby decides not to show). 

Newsletter 10/16 & 10/23

Happy Monday!
In addition to the newsletter, please note Bingo For Books is TOMORROW night in our gym at 5-7pm. Come win some books!
Also, I will post a separate link (along with email) a conference sign up for me later today as I will not be using pickatime due to needing to schedule conferences prior to my maternity leave.
Any questions about anything, email is easiest/fastest way to reach me: [email protected]

Week of Oct 2nd

Wow that first month of school flew by fast! I hope your student has been enjoying themselves as much as I've enjoyed them in class so far. We really have a great group! 
The newsletter this week covers the sun (Science), letter M-R, counting (math) and general dates to have on hand. 
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions!

Newsletter 9/18

Here's to another week! The students have been settling in, and it's fun watching their friendships grow. We start our social studies lessons this week, focusing on rules, laws, and cooperation. We'll be continuing our number and letters. PICTURE DAY THURSDAY. Can be out of uniform for that day.