Enrichment Services
Enrichment services are provided by classroom teachers. Students performing above grade level in various core subject areas may be provided with enrichment activities and experiences as time allows in the daily schedule pending a student’s completion and proficiency in the content currently being taught. This may include challenge activities, lesson extensions, projects, etc. These activities or lessons may take place as post-lesson extensions, small group lessons, as independent work time activities, as homework extensions, or as activities taking place during other appropriate times of day. Students will not receive extra credit points for enrichment activities. Enrichment activities will be made available on a student by student basis when the student is performing above grade level in the core content areas. Enrichment services will not provide students an opportunity to work through the core curriculum at an accelerated pace compared to classmates. Accelerated curriculum is only provided in cases when a student has been approved by administration for grade-level acceleration through the school’s acceleration and retention policy. The goal of enrichment instruction is to support students in thinking deeper and broader as opposed to accelerating through content. The Gifted Coordinator will serve as a resource to classroom teachers in partnering in brainstorming and seeking out enrichment activities that align to core content areas.
REACH Program
Students who qualify for gifted programming will be eligible to take part in the school’s REACH Program which is led by the school’s Gifted Coordinator. The program is for students in grades 2-8.
ALA Guidelines for Assessing and Identifying Students for Participation in Gifted Services (REACH Program)
The school has adopted the CogAT battery as the indicator for placement in the school’s gifted program. The CogAT is scheduled to take place one time per school year in the fall. The CogAT measures a student’s verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning abilities. It is an English Learner friendly assessment that uses tools such as picture prompts instead of verbal prompts. CogAT does not measure factors such as effort, attention, motivation, or work habits which contribute to school achievement as well.
Each fall, students in grades 2-8 will be selected to take the CogAT to determine eligibility for the REACH program. Results of the CogAT will determine placement in the REACH program.