Athlos Leadership Academy is proud to offer instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of children with certain disabilities. As part of our state mandate, we help parents identify students with disabilities and then ensure these children have the opportunity to learn the skills and information that other children learn.
Certain children with disabilities are eligible for special education and related services in their schools. According to federal and MN state law, these disabilities must affect the child’s educational performance. Some categories of disability include: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hearing Impairment, Deaf-Blindness, Developmental Cognitive Disability, Other Health Disability, Physical Impairment, Emotional Behavioral Disorder, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Visual Impairment, and Traumatic
Brain Injury.
Identifying special education needs
If you believe your child is a child with a disability, tell us about your concerns. If one of our educators believes a disability might be identified in a child, we will contact the parents. The school may suggest special interventions to increase a child’s school performance. If these interventions prove to be ineffective, we’ll discuss a special education evaluation with the child’s parents.
Special education services are made available after a comprehensive special education evaluation and full discussion and acceptance by a child’s parents. The school then collaborates to create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with two purposes: to set reasonable learning goals for the student, and to state the services that we propose to provide to the student. Special education services will only begin with parent approval.
Our Special Education staff
Athlos Leadership Academy is fortunate to have multiple special education teachers who case manage services for our students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Athlos Leadership Academy's Total Special Education System (TSES) Plan can be downloaded below.