February 5-8

Our play was a big hit!  I think that the kids really enjoyed themselves.  We talked about the best parts when we got back to school and the kids stated ..."the taco party"!!  So much fun!
This week spelling words:  boy, toy, enjoy, joyful, boil, coin, join, point, noise, voice
Math:  We will be wrapping up our Unit 5 in Math and taking our Unit assessment this week.  We have been working on addition and subtraction strategies, using graphs or number lines to help us get our answers, or counting on or back.  The kids should be pretty confident with their addition and subtraction facts.  Keep practicing!
Reading:  We will be reading and talking about a lot of inventors/inventions this week.  It is fun to read about inventions that kids have come up with...the TV, popsicle, and many others.  Ask your child about the windshield wipers and the waffle ice cream cone...those have been highlights.  We are doing a lot of open ended questions to help find the main ideas and the supporting details.  This will help with comprehension of what they are reading!
2/8 and 2/9 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY are conferences (No school on Friday 2/9).  Please schedule a conference if you haven't.  
2/19-No School
2/20- World Culture Fair (Come learn all about Kenya)
2/23-Red/White/Blue Day