Jan 23-27

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!


Math: We will be wrapping up unit 5. We will be covering number charts, measuring, and place value this week. Test review on Wed and test on Thurs.

Homework:  Please continue to practice the addition flash cards for addition fluency. This week, I will be sending all review homework!

Remember: Homework is mandatory and graded. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro-pathways.

Language Arts: We will be reviewing cause and effect. 


Here are our spelling words for this week:

land, cold, hot, hat, child, ice, play, sea, see, bird


Grammar: We will be talking about suffixes and base words. 


Social Studies: We will be continuing our work with geography. It would be great practice for your child to make a map at home!


Upcoming School events:

JAN. 3: Valentine's Flower and Card Fundraiser- ends January 31st

FEB. 6: No school- Parent Teacher Conferences


Other reminders and notes:

Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences

Contact info:

[email protected]
763-777-8942 ext:8810