Week of Feb. 7-10

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!


Math: We will be starting unit 6. This week we will be focusing on telling time. 

Homework:  Please continue to practice the addition flash cards for addition fluency. This week, I will be assigning home links 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4.

Remember: Homework is mandatory and graded. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro-pathways. If your student does not complete missing homework, they will be doing it during fitness or recess time. 

Language Arts: We will be reviewing character, setting, beginning, middle and end, cause and effect and main idea.

We will be having our spelling test from last week on Thursday so keep practicing!  NO NEW WORDS FOR THIS WEEK!


Grammar: We will be talking about prefixes, suffixes, and base words. We will be having two assessments on Thursday and Friday. Then, we will be practicing writing sentences and paragraphs. 


Science: We will be starting life science unit. 


Upcoming School events:

FRIDAY FEB. 10th:  Stuffed animal/blanket day!!

FEB. 7-10: I love to read- parent readers

FEB. 14: Valentines Day and flower delivery


FEB. 21: World culture fair


Other reminders and notes:

On February 14th, we will be having a Valentine's day exchange. We will be decorating bags in class and we will be passing around Valentines. If your student would like to bring in a treat to share with everyone, or a little toy, they are welcome! If your child would like to bring in candy, that is fine. However, we will not be eating any here at school. It all has to be eaten at home. 


Ms Fowell

[email protected]

1st Grade Rm. 230