Jan. 16-19

Look at the Week January 16th

Hello first grade families!


This week we will complete unit five. In unit five we will be learning about place value, comparing numbers, and adding two-digit numbers.


We will have math homework activity every night. Homework is mandatory and will be graded. Please make sure your student is completing their math homework nightly.

Language Arts


We will learn about technology in the non-fiction texts we read and discuss. We will work on comparing and contrasting the stories we study.


This week we will become author’s and illustrator’s and create our own books.

Language Skills: This week we will be learning about prefixes.


We will be making and sounding out soft G and C words. This week spelling words are; strange, race, giant, huge, city, circle, center, cent, brace, & space.

We will take a spelling and reading assessment and place value quiz on Friday.

Homework: Make sure your child is reading and working on sight words for at least twenty minutes each night.


We will continue unit three in science. We will become scientists and learn all about light and how it works.

Reading at home:

Please have your student read online on their Razkids account twenty minutes each night!


We go outside for recess twice daily, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Students can leave boots and snow pants at school. Please make sure students are bringing healthy snacks to school. Water is the only drink students are allowed to have in the classroom.

Up coming events:

*Order your child’s year book

Jan. 8-31, Flower Fundraiser Sales ($1/flower)

Jan. 15, No School-MLK Day

Jan. 26, Pajama Day

Feb. 5-8, I Love to Read Parent Readers

Feb. 8, Parent Conferences From 3:45-6:45

Feb. 9, NO SCHOOL! Parent Conferences From 7:15-12:45

Feb. 14, Flower Delivery

Feb. 19, No School

Feb. 20, World Culture Fair

Feb. 23, Red, White, and Blue Day


Have a great week!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate.

Laura Fowell

First Grade Teacher

Room 230

Contact info: [email protected] 
763-777-8942 ext:8810