
September 8, 2020

Happy first day! 

Please join your fellow classmates and me for Advisory at 7:45.  I can’t wait to see you!  Click the following link to join in the live meeting.   


Please note:  The password for all Zoom links was emailed to families on the same letter that included student log-ins for our learning sites.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Please remember to visit all of your classes today to view your instruction and to complete your assigned tasks.  You can do this by visiting the webpage of each of your teachers – Ms. Pugh, Mr. Dagger, Ms. Engel, and Mr. Thompson. 

Mr. Thompson
763-777-8942 ext. 8842
[email protected]


Here is the schedule for the live-learning sessions scheduled for our grade-level today! There is also an ELA recap video at the bottom if you miss the ELA livestream. Join us by clicking the links below!

English Language Arts with Mr. Thompson: 8:10 – 9:00 AM


Math with Mr. Dagger: 9:05 – 10:00 AM


Social Studies with Mrs. Stolarz: 10:50 – 11:45 AM


Science with Ms. Engel: 1:25 – 2:20 PM



Here's the Language Arts recap video for 9-8:


Please log-into Study Island after the lesson to complete your assigned learning activities. 

Please log in to Study Island to complete your learning tasks for today.


Please contact me with any questions!