Athlos Leadership Academy

Ries - Room 232

Course Description


Week of 10/24-10/28

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: We will be Starting Unit 3 and working on various tools to help us count. 
Homework:  Please continue to practice the addition flash cards for addition fluency. I will also be sending home homelinks 3-3, 3-4, lesson 3-4 (it is a two day lesson and I am going to send home a review sheet), and 3-5. No homework on Friday! Remember: Homework is mandatory and graded. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro-pathways.
Language Arts: We will be practicing our retelling skills and we will be reviewing nouns and verbs. Our noun and verb assessment will be on Friday. 
Homework: Please practice your student's sight words and read for 10-20
Here are the spelling words for this week: 
Upcoming School events:
Picture day (October 24)
Book Fair (Oct.31- Nov.3)
Butterbraid Fundraiser (Nov. 3)
Virtual Parent-teacher conferences (Nov. 7)
Other reminders and notes:
Please work on shoe tying at home with our students, it will help our day run more smoothly:).

Missing work

Hello everybody! Happy Unity day! I want to send a message about missing work. There is quite a bit of missing work right now, so your student will be getting their missing work from the past two weeks. Please have them do this over MEA break. Thank you! Enjoy your break!


Unity Day is on Wednesday, October 19th!! Unity Day is designed to bring our community together in support of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. To show unity, students and staff are encouraged to accessorize with orange items such as socks, shoes, leggings, long-sleeved shirts under uniforms, head coverings, headbands, etc. Students are expected to be in uniform on this day, but, let’s show our creativity!

Week of 10/17 to 10/19

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: We will be finishing up unit 2 with our test on Tuesday. Children will show their knowledge of change-to-more and change-to-less situations using change diagrams. We will be using number models to represent such situations.
Homework:  Please continue to practice the addition flash cards for addition fluency. I will also be sending home an additon sheet on Monday. Remember: Homework is mandatory and graded. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro pathways.
Language Arts: We will be reviewing character, setting, and beginning, middle, and end. We will also be reviewing vowel sounds. On Wednesday, we will be having a reading party!
Homework: Please practice your student's sight words and read for 10-20
Upcoming School events:
Picture day (October 24)
Bingo for Books (October 18)
Picture day (October 24)
Other reminders and notes:
Please work on shoe tying at home with our students, it will help our day run more smoothly:).

Reminder: Picture day

Picture day is Monday, October, 24th during the school day. Order forms will be coming home tomorrow with your students. 

Week of 10/10-10/17

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: We will be continuing on in unit 2. Children will continue to work with change-to-more nd change-to-less situations using change diagrams. We will be using number models to represent such situations.
Homework: Last week, I sent home addition memory cards. Please continue to practice these for addition fluency. I will also be sending home homelinks  2-9, 2-10, and 2-11through the week. Remember: if a student does not bring their homework back completed, they will need to complete it during recess. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro pathways.
Language Arts: We will be reviewing character, setting, and beginning, middle, and end. We will also be introduced to main events.
Homework: Please practice your student's sight words and read for 10-20 minutes at home each night. 
This week's spelling words are:
Science: We will be starting our first science unit-- we will be exploring different kinds of rocks. 
Upcoming School events:
Dress like a superhero day (Oct 14)
Bingo for Books (October 18)
Picture day (October 24)
Other reminders and notes:
Please work on shoe tying at home with our students, it will help our day run more smoothly:).
Last Thursday and Friday were such great days! Give your student a high-five for their great work!

The Ries Games

Here is an update on a new management tool in our classroom! Today, we started the Ries Games. Students have been split in to "blue team" and "red team". They each work their hardest to earn points for their team by: listening nicely, working hard, picking up their table area, and walking in the hallway quietly. At the end of the week, whichever team has the most points will get extra ipad time! So far, the students are excited to work together as a team and they have been doing great!

Cutlery Needed

Hi all! At snack time, we have had a lot of yogurt, fruit cups, etc., which is great! A lot of the time, students need spoons or forks to eat these snacks, but do not come with them. If there is a family or two that would be willing to donate some plastic spoons and forks, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

Handwriting Practice

Hi all! 
I have gotten a few guardians interested in some extra handwriting! Here is a file for FREE handwriting practice sheets. Feel free to print these out and have your student practice them at home! 

Spelling List

Starting this week, we will be having spelling tests every Friday. Here are the spelling words for this week: 

10/3 to 10/7

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: We will be continuing on in unit 2-- learning about tally marks, tens frames, and partners of 10!  
Homework: I will be sending home addition memory cards. Please cut these out and practice these for addition fluency. I will also be sending home homelinks  2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8 through the week. Remember: if a student does not bring their homework back completed, they will need to complete it during recess. Homework is an important tool to help create neuro pathways.
Language Arts: We will be reviewing character, setting, and beginning, middle, and end. We will also be introduced to author's message
Homework: Please practice your student's sight words and read for 10-20 minutes at home each night. 
Social studies: We will be talking about government and the three branches.
Upcoming School events:
Bingo for Books (October 18)
Picture day (October 24)
Other reminders and notes:
Please work on shoe tying at home with our students, it will help our day run more smoothly:).
If you think of it throughout the week, please remind your student of the expectations of them at school. Many of us had a hard time being respectful this week. Thanks! :)

Folders and Homework

Please make sure your students are bringing their folders to school each morning. I will try my best to get them home again. This is very important, as it acts as a form of communication with parents as well as homework. Thank you!:)
ALSO please make sure your student is doing their homework every night and empty the papers that can stay home. If students do not do their homework, they will be doing it at recess. So please make sure they get it done at home:)!

Week of 9/26-9/30

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: Our Unit 1 assessment has moved to Tuesday this week. After that, we will be starting Unit 2 which will focus on making 10s using ten frames. 
Homework. This week we will be moving into the curriculum based homework. so it is very important to make sure your student does this and RETURNS it. Homework will be labeled by the lesson. Ex: 2-1 Home link (this would be the homework for Unit 2, Lesson 1.) Please reach out if you have any questions. 
Language Arts: We will be reviewing character and setting with a character and setting assessment on Friday. We will also be working on retelling the beginning, middle, and end of a sentence. 
Homework: Please practice your student's sight words and read for 10-20 minutes at home each night. 
Social studies: We will be talking about what citizenship is and how we can be good citizens. We will have a citizenship assessment on Friday. 
Upcoming School events:
Bingo for Books (October 18)
Picture day (October 24)
Other reminders and notes:
Please work on shoe tying at home with our students, it will help our day run more smoothly:).

Social Studies Assessment Today

Hello! One thing I forgot to mention in the weekly newsletter is that we had an assessment in Social Studies today. Our assessment was about the Pledge of Allegiance and basic flag etiquette. Your student will becoming home with this assessment in their folder today. Some students had a retest. If they had a retest, their original test will be stapled to their retest. Only the second will be graded. :) Have a great day! 

Week of 9/19-9/23

Here is a snapshot of our week ahead!
Math: we will be comparing numbers using word problems and number grids. We will be introduced to our student math journals, and we will have our first Unit assessment on Friday! 
Homework. There will be a number tracing sheet. Please finish these and return them the next day. Number formation is VERY important at this age. 
Language Arts: We will be talking about character development, how to write a sentence, and the beginning, middle, and end of a story. 
Homework: There will be letter tracing AND I will be sending a list of your student's sight words and spelling words home. Please practice these for 10 minutes every night. We will be testing out of these words and moving on to the next list!
Social studies: We will be talking about the President and our government this week. 
Upcoming School events: None.
Other reminders: Please remember to pack a healthy lunch for your student if they bring a cold lunch! We have long days and their little bodies need nutrition!:)