Athlos Leadership Academy

Ronhovde - Room 234


January 29-February 2

Spelling words:  hope, shape, baseball, mistake, inside, useful, apple, little, table, purple
Reading:  This week we will be starting a new unit on Technology and Inventions.  We will be talking and comparing different inventions-comparing and contrasting.  We will be reading different stories about inventors and inventions.  
Math:  This week we are going to be working on number sentences using temperature and distances.  We are working on differentiating between when to add and when to subtract (looking for those context clues).
Thursday we will be going to Stages Theatre to see the play!!  Please make sure that you have turned in your permission slips and made a payment on the portal.
Also, February 8/9 are conferences.  Please make sure to sign up for a time to meet!  I can't wait to see you!!
No School on February 9th due to conferences!!

January 22-26

Weekly Spelling Words:  hair, stairs, chair, care, share, square, pear, bear, wear, where
Math:  We will be working on using number lines to help us add numbers and to locate numbers.  We will be taking an IXL math test this week as well. 
Language Arts:  We will be talking about character traits, 1st and 3rd person point of views, and homophones/homographs. We will be using context clues to determine which word we are talking about!
Friday, January 26- PAJAMA DAY!

January 15-19

Monday- NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This week in math we will be working on adding and subtracting 10 and 100 to numbers mentally.  We will also be using a number line to help us get answers to our number stories.
We will continue our understanding of characters in reading this week.  We have been identifying who is telling the story (first person point of view, third person point of view).  We have been working on reading with fluency!  Slowing down so we are able to understand what we are reading.
Spelling tests will begin this week!  I will send a list home for the kids to study!  We have been working on spelling words with r controlled vowels for the past few weeks!

January 8-12

Welcome back to school!  I hope that you all had a great WINTER break!  I've been gearing up for the 2nd half of second grade.  This month we welcome 3 new students to our classroom.  Welcome to Noah, Tavaya, and Niko!!  We have been talking and working on our rules, especially being respectful to ourselves and to others.  
This week we will be starting Unit 5 in math.  Some key areas we will be talking about are making change using coins, matching clock faces to digital notation, and mentally being able to compute basic addition facts!
Reading/ELA will be all about r controlled vowels, and we will be studying characters and their different points of view.  Please make sure that your child is reading at home as well.  This will improve fluency!!  I have send home a January reading log to keep track of at home reading!
January 15- NO SCHOOL!


Can you believe that we made it to December??  I have had a great time getting to know your children and working with them!! We are working hard on being respectful and having self control this month! 
A few December dates to remember!
December 6-Report Cards home
December 8-Free Dress Day
December 19-Winter Tree Parade (Make sure to bring in items to dress up the teacher!!)
December 20-January 1-Winter Break
January 5- Dress Animal Day
January 15-No School
January 26-Dress PJ Day
Math-We will be working on telling time, AM/PM, place value, and measurement in Unit 41
Reading/LA-We will be starting our unit 3 on Government and laws!  Continuing to learn about the Long U sound, and r-controlled vowels!
Please look for nightly homework Monday-Thursday, as well as a monthly reading calendar to return the 1st of the next month!  Keep reading at home!!!

November 13-November 17

It was nice to see so many of you at conferences!  Thanks so much for being an active participant in your students learning!
This week:
Reading- We will be finishing our Unit 3 on Characters and the problems we face and take our unit assessment.  The students have learned about characters, settings, and the plot of stories.  We have also worked on creating mental images and retelling stories.
Math-We are working on fact families (2 addition/2 subtraction facts) for a set of numbers.  We are talking about how addition and subtraction are related! 
Science- We will be finishing up our unit on Properties of Matter- Solids, liquids, and gases.
Other reminders-
November 14- Sampson Bros Performance
November 17- Crazy Hair Day
November 22-24 NO SCHOOL
December 1- NO SCHOOL
December 19-Winter Tree Parade
December 20-January 1- NO SCHOOL
January 5- Animal Day

October 30-November 3

Remember to turn October reading calendars on Wednesday! Also, your child should be doing homework nightly.  Make sure to check their folders every night.  A lot of papers and Information is sent home in their folders.
Math:  We will be finishing Unit 2 and taking a test on Thursday!  The test will be on making 10s, doubles, adding/subtracting, and name connections. 
Reading:  We are studying characters and what challenges they face in the stories that we are reading.  We will also be working on the settings of stories and the plots.
Science:  We will be starting our Unit on Properties of Matter.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
October 30-November 3  Book Fair (We will be going on Tuesday, October 1 from 8:30-9 if your student wants to bring money)
October 31- Free Dress
November 2- Picture Retake- Free Dress 
November 3-Cozy Day (wear your uniform with a solid color hoodie or a winter hat.  Pick a pair of cozy socks to wear as well!) This is a uniform day though and your child will be expected to keep shoes on!
November 8-MN Wild Assembly (k-5)
November 9-10- Conferences (Remember to sign up)
November 14-Sampson Brother Performance
November 17-Crazy Hair Day

October 9-13

Reminder to keep reading for October reading minutes!  Goal is 200 minutes for the month.
Math-We will be starting Unit 2 where we will focus on making 10, doubles, addition and subtraction word problems.  We will also be continuing to talk about money-coins and dollars.
Reading-We will be finishing our Unit on habitats.  This week we will be talking about colder habitats and exploring the polar areas.  Phonics will be multisyllable words, long spelling words (a, ai, at, a_e, ay) and a review of the short vowels.  We will also continue talking about open and closed syllables.
Social Studies-We will be talking about families.  We talked about our families, but this week we will switch to focus on extended families.  
Other reminders:
October 10-Grandparents Breakfast
October 17-Bingo for Books
October 18-Unity Day
October 19-20 No School MEA
October 27-Super Hero Day

Week October 2-October 6

A homework packet will be coming home on Monday!  It will contain a reading log to keep track of your child's reading minutes at home.  The goal for October is 200 minutes.  Please fill in the calendar and it will come back at the end of the month.  The math/spelling packet is due on Friday, October 6th.
Math:  We will be working with money, number lines, even/odd numbers, and skip counting this week.  We will be taking our Unit 1 assessment on Thursday!
Language Arts/Reading:  We will be continuing with our Unit on Habitats Around the World.  We will be reading stories and look at habitats of a number of different animals.  We will also be working on Long and short vowels, blends, digraphs, and open/closed syllables.
Social Studies:  We will begin Unit 1 and start talking about families today and in the past.  How did life change?
Other Reminders:
October 10-Grandparents Breakfast
October 17-Bingo for Books
October 18-Unity Day
October 19/20- No School
October 27-Super Hero Day

Week-September 25-29

It has been a great first 3 weeks of school.  I am looking forward to working with all of your children this year!    This week we will be working on the following:
Math-We will be working with coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters), adding and subtracting up to 20, and stating whether numbers are even or odd.
Language Arts-We will be talking about the differences between informational texts and fictional texts.  We will be reading 2 stories this week, one that is informational and one that is fictional.  We will be looking at the main idea of both!  We will also be focusing on the short vowel sounds and making words that contain the short vowels.
We continue to work on our routines.  How to walk in the hall, how to settle our bodies in the classroom, and how to be respectful to one another.  Our class created 4 rules:  1.  Be Respectful   2.  Be Kind    3.  Be Safe   4.  Be Our Best
Other reminders:
September 29-Minnesota Sports Day Dress

Week of September 18th-23rd

Homework: Packet sent home on Monday the 18th.  It is due on Friday.
Language Arts:
Science and Social Studies:
Upcoming School Events:
Other Reminders:
September 21-Picture Day